Bridlington Area Methodist Churches

Bridlington Area Methodist Churches




    The Methodist Church of Great Britain :: METHODIST CHURCH OF GREAT BRITAIN website gives “help desk” access and links to Methodist websites across England, Scotland and Wales. It also includes information about what the Methodist Church stands for, who is responsible for different aspects of the church’s work at connexional level, and the latest Methodist Church press releases

The Communication Update This is the link to an additional newsletter of updates, guidance and resources to support the Connexion during the Coronavirus pandemic

The Methodist News :: All the latest methodist news replacing The Week Ahead

    Yorkshire North & East District :: THE YORKSHIRE NORTH AND EAST DISTRICT Methodist website gives details of what is happening across the district, reports and minutes from district synod, and access to YORSAY, the monthly newsletter put together by the District Communications Officer

    Action for Children :: ACTION FOR CHILDREN, formerly known as the National Children’s Home or NCH, supports and speaks out for the UK’s most vulnerable and neglected children and young people, for as long as it takes to make a difference in their lives. The organisation was founded in 1869 by a young Methodist minister, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, who was shocked by the plight of homeless children on the streets of London. Today (2014) the charity works with more than 50,000 children and young people, runs 480 projects across the UK and tackles issues such as child abuse and neglect

    Christian Aid :: CHRISTIAN AID
is a charity with a vision for an end to poverty the world over. To this end it offers a huge range of resources to help people understand the poverty trap and to challenge them to help. It also runs regular appeals, like the annual Christian Aid Week appeal, and responds major crises with emergency disaster appeals

    All We Can :: All WE CAN
(formerly Methodist Relief & Development Fund) makes small miracles possible for people living in the world’s poorest communities and tries to empower people to change structures that are oppressive and unjust. One of its aims is to contribute to the eradication of poverty through transformative long-term development and disaster relief. It works through a series of partner agencies and also produces resources to inspire and challenge churches to respond to its appeals

    Methodist Women in Britain :: METHODIST WOMEN in BRITAIN (MWiB)
was launched in 2012 to take on the role formerly carried out by Network and Women’s Work. The website enables you to access resources for prayer, Bible study and reflection, discover more about the social action campaigns the organisation is involved with, and meet some of the personnel who hold office. It works through a national office, and through districts, circuits and local churches

THE BUZZ:: Welcome to The Buzz!

The Buzz brings all members of the Methodist Church in Britain together by sharing your good news from across the Connexion. Your stories tell of the many different ways that the Church is working out the four aspects of Our Calling: Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism.

    Flourish a District Gathering :: A Gathering for the whole District at Scarborough in October 2919

  District Newsletter:: This link will take you to the latest edition of the District Newsletter.

    MHA Magazine :: Link to the Methodist Homes for the Aged Magazine.

Sustaining Worship  Responding faithfully during the Coronavirus Pandemic - Ideas & Resources